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Private Members Area

This section of the Belgian Screen Composers Guild website is reserved exclusively for our members.
Here, you’ll find a wealth of resources tailored to the needs of professional composers, including:

  • Downloadable documents (PDFs, Word, Excel)
  • Exclusive photos and media content
  • Video materials and tutorials

If you’re a composer, producer, or industry professional, joining the Guild provides you with access to these valuable tools and resources, as well as the opportunity to engage with over 70 talented composers from across Belgium.

As a member, you’ll also benefit from networking opportunities, industry insights, and the chance to collaborate with a vibrant community that advocates for our profession at both the national and international levels.

Join the Belgian Screen Composers Guild today and unlock access to these exclusive benefits.

To access the Private Members Area, please enter your password below.

Join the Guild

If you’re not a member yet and would like to join us, please fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.