I am passionate about music and especially about film music.
I graduated from the Alfred Cortot School (music composition class) in Paris and from the Royal Music Conservatory of Brussels as a musician as well as from the IAD Institut (Institut des Arts de Diffusion) in Louvain la Neuve as a sound engineer.
I play the piano and percussions. I also have a passion for sound recording techniques.
I have had the opportunity to compose sound tracks for the following documentary films: The Scottish Key, Le monde de glace and Victor Boin, among others.
I work altogether on manuscript paper and with Protools programs.
Mastering both music playing and studio work, both “languages” of music writing and sound recording which perfectly complete one another, gives me the power and ability to enter into dialogue with musicians as easily as with music technicians and producers
Finally, I followed a Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) training and a Non Violent Communication training course. Both experiences gave me the skill of useful human values to work with studio musicians as well as an open mind to interact with producers and film directors.
« Victor Boin, le sport comme art de vivre » by Michel Roosens, 52’
« Continent de glace » Princess Elisabeth Station In Antarctica, 90’&52’ directed by Olivier Pierre
« Le 4ème Pouvoir » belgian press story, 2x 52’, by Tristan Bourlard
« Hollywood-Paris-Bruxelles » CinéTéléRevue story, 52’, T. Bourlard
« Le réveil des Virungas » african national parks, 26’& 52’, T. Dumortier
« EORTC » European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer, 52’, by Tristan Bourlard
« New Life Foundation » Centre de désintoxication en Thaïlande, 52’, by Tristan Bourlard
« Libres » l’ULB, une Université entre passions et convictions, 52’,
Réal Tristan Bourlard
« Energie verte, pétrole wallon » L’énergie éolienne en Wallonie, 52’, F. Groff
« La Clé Écossaise » Origine écossaise de la Franc-Maçonnerie, 52’,
Réal Tristan Bourlard